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Tyrone's Testimonial

For years, I have served as a useful source to those seeking inspiration, help, or advice. I finally decided to own that role and be intentional about it by becoming a life coach. 


Meet of my recent coaching clients who has transformed his mind, body, and life in the past year and half of receiving my support.

Are you ready to change your life?

 Contact me to begin the process of living your dreams!

Life-Coaching: About


ReShanda's Testimonial


Meet ReShanda.


Coaching Shanda has been such a delightful experience of seeing her alleviate chronic pain and increasing her self awareness to find more freedom and joy in her mind and body.

How do you want to change your life?

 Contact me to explore solutions and to learn more!

Life-Coaching: About


Leah's Testimonial


Meet Leah.


She is an amazing oboist, who recently won a professional audition. I was able to help Leah notice patterns of tension in her body, not just playing her instrument, but while washing dishes, carrying backpacks, etc. 


Leah did the work, I just helped give her an edge. What was it? Awareness.


How do you want to change your life?

 Contact me to explore solutions and to learn more!

Life-Coaching: About

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