At the beginning of August, I had the privilege of presenting an Alexander Technique professional development to the Alvin ISD Fine Arts Department. For two and a half hours we talked about how the Alexander Technique (AT) can:
support teachers and students' artistry
decrease performance anxiety
improve self-awareness to release extra muscle tension
mental and physical ways to start or improve self--care throughout the day/week to prevent burnout
help athletes, musicians, actors, dancers...HUMANS move more freely, with less or no pain or discomfort, achieving higher levels of performance
We did various activities and explorations to see how AT can be taught to children and how we as educators can support ourselves, students, and to further grow and cultivate arts programs.
I am available for workshops, professional development, and private lessons for secondary/collegiate students and teachers looking for more freedom in their minds and bodies.
I would like to offer you a short video where I talk about an easy eye exercise that can be done anytime to help relax your body and mind to help you see more without eye-strain in any activity.
To book Alexander Technique Lessons: https://melaniedavis.satoriapp.com/book